Showing your Orchids

Judging: For more information on showing, and judging orchids – visit The American Orchid Societies web site.
Any orchid owner who knows the parentage of their plant can bring it for AOS judging. Simply bring your orchid to a judging center at the designated time and place. If you are new to orchids, or are unfamiliar with the process of receiving an award for your plant, a good place to begin is at your local orchid society. At most meetings, members display their blooming plants at ‘show table’. This is not an AOS judging event, but It is a great place to learn about the various orchid types and see how plants are evaluated for quality. In the United States, plants are judged at AOS judging facilities across the country and at AOS orchids shows – check with the American Orchid Society for information on where and when judging events are held in your area. A panel of judges review and will select (nominate) for point scoring those plants they feel have the potential to be awarded. The bloom will be evaluated and rated on: size, shape and color. The number of flowers per stem as well as the substance and texture of the flower are also important aspects. The bloom will be compared to it’s parents to determine if it has exceeded their merits, and it will be compared to others of it’s own cross. Judges will point score the plant based upon a 100 point scale. A plant needs to receive at least 75 points to receive an award. Flowers scoring between 75 and 79 points will receive a Highly Commendable Certificate (HCC/AOS). If scored from 80 to 89 points, it will receive an Award of Merit (AM/AOS). The finest flowers, scoring 90 points or higher, will receive a First Class Certificate (FCC/AOS). These are few and far between!

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